Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Female Sexual Organs - Clitoris


              Erection of the penis is relatively simple compared to what must take place before girls are ready for copulation. Let’s begin at the bottom and work up. First, the blood vessels supplying the vulva dilate and bring on the feminine equivalent of a penile erection. The spongy tissues around the labia minora as well as the labia themselves swell and grow turgid. The clitoris becomes erect and peeps from under its diminutive foreskin. The labia majora increase in size and Bartholins glands, the two sentinels located astride the vaginal opening, do – nothing. Once considered the prime source of lubrication – ‘Lover’s liniment’ – they have been demoted as medical research has discovered a new and fascinating source of these essential juices. The walls of the vagina themselves ooze a super slippery substance that smoothes the way for eager couples. In the research lab, by means of a special camera in the form of a transparent, optically correct penis, the glistening drops can be observed gently forming on the vaginal wall. In the meantime, engorgement of the vulva has formed a sort of sexual ante-room in front of the vagina. This increases the effective length of the vaginal canal and thus increases the size of the penis it can accommodate. More important, it brings the sexually sensitive structures – clitoris and labia minora – into closer contact with the penis. The vagina is also changing. In cross section the relaxed vagina looks like the H; the roof is in contact with the floor. During sexual excitement it swiftly assumes the shape of a cylinder to receive an energetic piston, the penis.
              The clitoris is the centre of sexual sensation in women. Though it is tiny in comparison to the penis, it has at least the same number of nerve cells and fibers crowded into its miniature proportions. It is a sexual time bomb with a short fuse. Actually, a pair of fuses. The labia minora, looking like misplaced of the clitoris. Pulling on them applies a gentle tug on the clitoris itself. As the labia are alternately pulled and released, the prepuce slides back and forth over the head of clitoris. As the gentle friction continues the clitoris swells even more, making each tug even more exquisite. If the vagina can be considered a cylinder and the penis a piston, the labia minora is crankshaft. With each stroke of the penis into the vagina, the ends of the labia are pulled towards the vagina, drawling down on the prepuce and clitoris. As the penis is withdrawn, the labia are released and the prepuce slides back over the clitoris. At the same time the penis is massaging the penis, the vagina, and the related structures. If everything goes right the result is orgasm.
              Everything happens during orgasm. All the transmission lines and circuits of the entire body are suddenly and deliciously overloaded. The wires get red-rot, the fuses blow, the bells chime – and then it’s all over until the next time. As a woman approaches orgasm the whole pace of her body accelerates. The heart rate zooms up to 160 or more. Respiration gives way to panting and groaning. Blood pressure can double. In the meantime the pelvis is going wild. All the veins of the pelvic area are at the point of bursting. The vulva is throbbing rhythmically almost to the point of grabbing at the surging penis. The sensory nerves are at their peak, soaking up each tiny drop of sensation. So much current is drawn by the sexual structures that the lights in the cerebrum begin to dim. The girl loses track of her surroundings and all attention is focused on that vital five per cent of her body. Suddenly the master switch is flipped and it happens! Indescribable sensations race from the vulva, vagina, and clitoris throughout the nervous system. The primitive areas of the brain seize control. The back arches, the pelvis lunges forward, the muscles surrounding the vulva expand and contract and send waves of feeling racing over the entire body. The pelvic veins empty rapidly, droplets of sweat burst out on the skin, and a sense of relaxation flows through the entire body.
              How many orgasms can a woman have?
Nobody really knows. Investigators stopped the experiments after fifty or so consecutive climaxes. The experimental technique itself was rather ingenious. Under carefully controlled conditions, with trained observers, movie lights, tape recorders, and a 16-mm movie camera grinding away, a female volunteer engaged in sexual intercourse with a male volunteer. They copulated until she reached orgasm, duly recorded by electrodes taped to various parts of her body, as well as the camera and tape recorders. The gentleman immediately withdrew from the scene and was replaced by another more or less eager volunteer. This process continued until two score and ten intrepid spirits had given their best for Science. The lady was still more or less willing but the experimenters were hungry for dinner, the recorders were running out of tape, the cameras were running out of film, and anxious wives were beginning to telephone their husbands at the laboratory.

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